Monday, March 28, 2005

What's in it for Me?

That’s the exact question your target audience is asking every time they read one of your marketing communications. So many marketing pieces and websites are ineffective because they don’t address this basic issue. They are self serving, “inner-focused,” telling the reader how great “we” are and what “we” do and don’t address what’s in it for the prospect – such as how “you” benefit, how “your” concerns are addressed and how “your” needs are met.

Here are two simple tests that will help you analyze your existing advertising and identify what makes you take action:

Test #1

Take an objective look at your current marketing, both in print and online. Does it convey a compelling benefit and speak directly to the prospect or is it self serving and company focused? How many times do the words “you” or “your” appear, compared to “we,” “us,” and the name of your company?

The Write Marketing Group website is an example of a marketing communication tool with a strong “you” focus.

Test #2

In your mail, on television, and online you see plenty of advertising each day. Pay close attention to the ads and direct mail pieces that peak your interest and get you to take action. What is it about them that worked? Were you attracted to some self serving drivel about how great the company is or how impressive their services are or did the ads promise a solution to “your” problem or contain a specific benefit that really got your attention?

For assistance writing customer-focused advertising and direct response copy, contact Ben Edwards today at 617-670-1888, ext 1.


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