Friday, December 23, 2005

Why Good Copy is Essential to the Success of Your Marketing

Picture this… The President of the United States walks up to the lectern for the State of the Union Address. Instead of speaking, he holds up pictures that he hopes will represent the concepts he wants to convey to the audience. Some of the pictures have a few words on them, like “Just do it,” “We’re with you,” or “That was easy.” There is a noticeable discomfort in the audience as people start to wonder what’s going on. They don’t understand what the President is trying to communicate. Would you want a president who couldn’t communicate his positions?

Most people would answer no. But when it comes to communicating the benefits of buying their products or services, many business people use the same kind of image-based communications. They couldn’t understand what the President was trying to say, yet they use the same method to talk to their customers.

When communicating your message to the world, please realize that it’s the WORDS that sell, NOT the graphics. Yes, it’s important to use relevant images where appropriate to make your message multi-dimensional. But it’s the headline, lead-in, support statements and call to action that motivate people to buy, NOT the pictures (unless, of course, you SELL pictures).

It’s important to choose the right words, especially if you have a limited budget. If you’re like most business people, you can’t afford to use image-based words, either. It’s possible that Nike has ingrained the words, “Just do it” into our psyches. But do these words really motivate people to choose Nike shoes over Adidas or New Balance when they’re walking next to a wall full of athletic shoes? Sure it’s possible that they might look at Nike shoes first, but ultimately it’s the look and feel of the shoe, along with the price, that will be the deciding factors.

Quick: Who uses the following slogans? “We’re with you.” “That was easy.” (Circuit City and Staples) If you didn’t know you’re not alone. A national survey found that NO ONE could identify or remember these two slogans.

So when contemplating your next ad campaign, remember that it’s the words, not the graphics that sell. And be sure to choose words that convey a specific benefit that is meaningful to your target audience. This is where a good copywriter can help you avoid wasting your money on ads that won’t work.


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